"Stick Around" is a gem. I love the hypnotic atmosphere and the way it gradually builds. The piano even sounds real. Have you heard any releases on the Stay True Sounds label? Browsing their YouTube channel, they've put out some singles that are equally good, in the same spacey vein.

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Woof! What a great playlist. Loved the uptempo pop stuff, the gauzy, hazy slow stuff, the South African stuff. Thank you!

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Todd didn't say "Avril clones," he said "Avril-alikes." To me, "clones" is a lot more offensive, implying not just similarity or affinity but something manufactured to be like an original with no distinguishing characteristics. Maybe for other people, though, "Avril-alikes" is the same thing (so for them, "Avril-alike" is an "Avril clone" clone).

Was heartened by the thread, with so many people having good ideas about who led to Avril and so many of them knowing as successors not just the Ashlees but the Katy Roses and Skye Sweetnams. Assume these people were young and listening while the music was being released in the '00s. I don't think anything like that depth of knowledge of the era has ever been part of the general musical or critical discourse.

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Yeah should have just quoted him. Went back and edited it

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But spellcheck or something messed it up for you! He said "Avril-alikes" but your software (presumably) turned it into "Avril-allies." Is "Avril-alikes"!

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Hm, tempted to keep that one

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