"that is, what happens when the pop forms comprising the “Euro-America” (Anglo/American) locus of popular culture are put in the position of grappling with a globally comparative existence themselves?" - The widespread influence of the internet and the dwindling if barely existing A-Pop monoculture seem to be a cause of this shift, too.
Yeah, I think the McDonald streaming book is a better way to explore it because so much is a global technological shift, not necessarily a geopolitical one (I think, e.g. trying to compare US geopolitical influence is probably a dead end)
I just purchased his book. I remember him speaking at PopCon 2018 and I thought he seemed like such a jackass - coming up with all these genre names based on his whim. However, I am eager to read it.
"that is, what happens when the pop forms comprising the “Euro-America” (Anglo/American) locus of popular culture are put in the position of grappling with a globally comparative existence themselves?" - The widespread influence of the internet and the dwindling if barely existing A-Pop monoculture seem to be a cause of this shift, too.
Yeah, I think the McDonald streaming book is a better way to explore it because so much is a global technological shift, not necessarily a geopolitical one (I think, e.g. trying to compare US geopolitical influence is probably a dead end)
I just purchased his book. I remember him speaking at PopCon 2018 and I thought he seemed like such a jackass - coming up with all these genre names based on his whim. However, I am eager to read it.