Belatedly adding "What Was I Made For?" to my Ongoing Singles list. It unquestionably belongs; my hesitancy was that it's a bit Send In The Clownish. —For reasons I might want to someday unpack, that's a negative association. Whereas associations are positive for "What If I Jump From A Bridge?"--> "About You Now" and "Se a Lua Falasse" -…
Belatedly adding "What Was I Made For?" to my Ongoing Singles list. It unquestionably belongs; my hesitancy was that it's a bit Send In The Clownish. —For reasons I might want to someday unpack, that's a negative association. Whereas associations are positive for "What If I Jump From A Bridge?"--> "About You Now" and "Se a Lua Falasse" --> "BonBon." Well, regarding "About You Now," I think late '00s Lμke would be losing its luster even if he weren't under a cloud – his sound was repeating and getting overbearing – but he too has an unmistakable gift for melody. I think "Se a Lua Falasse" --> "BonBon" is the strongest affinity despite their not having that much in common melodically. Something about the setting, though I'll have to figure out what it is musically. (This is not to criticize any of these in the slightest, except for "Clowns.") Favorite Eilish might be "Hotline," btw. Or the Bond theme.
Belatedly adding "What Was I Made For?" to my Ongoing Singles list. It unquestionably belongs; my hesitancy was that it's a bit Send In The Clownish. —For reasons I might want to someday unpack, that's a negative association. Whereas associations are positive for "What If I Jump From A Bridge?"--> "About You Now" and "Se a Lua Falasse" --> "BonBon." Well, regarding "About You Now," I think late '00s Lμke would be losing its luster even if he weren't under a cloud – his sound was repeating and getting overbearing – but he too has an unmistakable gift for melody. I think "Se a Lua Falasse" --> "BonBon" is the strongest affinity despite their not having that much in common melodically. Something about the setting, though I'll have to figure out what it is musically. (This is not to criticize any of these in the slightest, except for "Clowns.") Favorite Eilish might be "Hotline," btw. Or the Bond theme.